FUE method – what is it and is it possible to recover lost hair?

Hair loss is a problem affecting both men and women. There are situations when the use of specialized cosmetics or dietary supplements does not bring the expected results, this happens, for example, with androgenetic alopecia. A chance to replace lost hair, and regain the former appearance and self-confidence, is provided by plastic surgery. Hair transplantation using the FUE method is considered the most effective solution in this field.

What is the FUE method?

The FUE method is a method of hair transplantation that takes place without the use of a scalpel and sutures, resulting in no visible scars remaining on the skin. The procedure involves taking follicular units, or a cluster of 1 – 5 hair follicles, from the occipital region of the head. This is done using a special device, the diameter of which is less than one millimeter. This guarantees the highest possible quality of the transplant and satisfaction with the results. It may happen that follicular units are taken from other places, for example, the chin. Importantly, there are no unsightly traces left on the skin after taking the hair, only small scabs appear on the skin, which fall off after a few days. Up to about 6,000 hairs (2,500 follicular units) can be transplanted using the FUE method at one time. The main indications for the procedure include androgenetic, post-traumatic and post-inflammatory alopecia in remission, but it can also be performed to correct eyebrows, pubic hair or facial hair.




What does a FUE hair transplant look like?

On average, a hair transplant using the FUE method takes from 6 up to 12 hours. This is affected by several factors, including the condition of the scalp and the number of follicular units to be transplanted. The procedure is not painful, as it is performed under local anesthesia. The hairs in the area from where they will be taken are shortened to a length of about 1 mm. They are then carefully removed, inspected for damage and divided, taking into account the number of follicles per unit. This is the first stage of the procedure, in which the patient lies on their stomach and when they feel discomfort they can take a short break, such as a walk.

The second stage of the procedure takes place in a semi-sitting position, and begins by anesthetizing the area where the hair will be transplanted. Small, microscopic incisions are made in the scalp, and in the third stage of hair transplantation, which takes place after a long break, the follicular units harvested earlier are inserted. Different sized implants, which resemble needles in shape, are used for this. After the implantation is finished, the donor area of the head is protected with a sterile dressing, the recipient area must be sprayed with a special solution every 15 minutes by the patient.



FUE method – is it effective?

People suffering from excessive hair loss often have doubts about whether a transplant using the FUE method will achieve the desired results. The procedure is safe, as it is performed by specialists, in the operating theater using sterilized instruments. It is also very effective. For several weeks after the transplant, the hair in the recipient area of the head will grow and then fall out. Approximately 4 months after the procedure, an initial, uneven growth of new hair is noticeable, with final regrowth after 9 months. Due to the location where the follicular units are taken, the hair is not sensitive to androgens, so it remains in its new location for the rest of its life.



The FUE method has helped revolutionize hair transplantation. It takes a week to fully recover from the procedure, and although proper scalp care and caution are necessary during this time, the patient can return to daily activities the very next day after the transplant. The FUE method is continually improving, and this also applies to the equipment used during the procedures. It has made it possible to regain lost hair and provide patients with a very natural result.

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