Face plastic

Our face is often the first thing other people see, so taking care of it is usually crucial for us. Skincare alone is not always enough to maintain proper condition of the skin. Sometimes it is necessary to undergo a cheek lift procedure or an eyelid surgery.
Sometimes our face does not have the right proportions, which can lead to insecurities about one’s appearance. However, this can be remedied by handing yourself over to an experienced plastic surgeon.

Our clinic offers various types of facial aesthetic surgery procedures, including:
- Nose surgery – recommended for people who do accept the shape or size of their nose. This procedure is also addressed at patients who suffered nose injuries, as well as those who have problems with breathing due to nasal obstruction. Depending on the problem, the surgery is performed on the bony part, the tip of the nose, i.e. the cartilage part, or the nasal septum. Rhinoplasty is carried out using an open or closed method. The patient must remain at the clinic immediately after the operation. Recovery period lasts about 12 months and after this time it is possible to assess the outcomes accurately.
- Ear surgery – also known as otoplasty, is a surgery to pin back the ears if they stick out, improve the appearance of earlobes or change the appearance of too large auricles. This surgery is not only used by adults. It can also be safely performed in children (usually about 6-7 years old). The procedure, depending on the extent of the intervention and the patient’s age, is carried out under general or local anaesthesia. Slight swelling should disappear within one month after the surgery.
- Ear reconstruction – usually carried out in children aged around 10. In patients with microtia (underdevelopment of the auricle) it offers the possibility of creating an auricle similar in appearance to the one on the normal side. It consists in creating a skeleton of the auricle from cartilage harvested from the patient’s rib and implanting it under the skin in the location of the ear. The scope of surgery is selected individually, depending on the severity of the condition. This procedure is also recommended for patients who suffered total or partial loss of their ear as a result of injury.
- Eyelid surgery – refers to both upper and lower eyelids, as well as both at the same time. The upper eyelids are operated on when the skin is flabby and wrinkled. Sometimes it may even obstruct the field of vision, so the surgery is not only aimed at improving appearance, but is also done for health reasons. Lower eyelids can be operated on to get rid of the so-called bags under the eyes which are sometimes accompanied by excess flabby skin. The advantage of the treatment is that it leaves an almost invisible scar on the skin, while offering spectacular rejuvenating results.
- Eyebrow lift – the aim of the procedure is to lift the eyebrow line, and depending on the selected method, it is sometimes combined with an overall reduction of forehead wrinkles. This type of lifting also allows to reduce the fold on the upper eyelids and optically enlarge the eye area. Eyebrow lift procedure makes your face look younger. It gets done quickly and does not require subsequent hospitalization. It can be performed simultaneously with correction of the upper eyelids.
- Chin surgery – a procedure recommended for abnormal proportions of the chin in relation to the rest of the face. It involves the removal of excess bone and its proper modelling. The operation is performed under general anaesthesia.
- Face Lifting – very popular as the most effective rejuvenating procedure that takes off about 10-15 years from your appearance. During the procedure the skin is tightened and its deeper layers lifted. The oval of the face is again clearly marked, which is particularly visible on the jaw line (the so-called hamster cheeks disappear). Lifting effects are undeniably visible and most importantly long-lasting.
- Facial implants – are used to enhance cheekbones, improve the appearance of the chin or correct sunken cheeks. Facial implants are also recommended as a safe solution to the problem of mandibular underdevelopment. After the surgery, the face is swollen, but the symptoms persist only for a few days. Currently, an autologous fat transplant constitutes a good alternative to face implants.