
Preparing for appointment to check eligibility for prophylactic mastectomy with reconstruction
Breast reconstruction
with expander and implant
Preventative mastectomy is intended for patients with high and very high risk of breast cancer who meet at least one of the following criteria:
– BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation confirmed by a genetic test
– positive family history:
(a) two cases of breast cancer in first-degree relatives who are 50 years of age or less, or three cases in relatives of any age
(b) bilateral breast cancer in first-degree relatives (simultaneous or non-simultaneous, synchronous / metachronous)
(c) breast and ovarian cancer in first-degree relatives
(d) positive coarse-needle biopsy for proliferative breast disease with atypia
Records recommended for the qualifying appointment Current breast NMR and other imaging test results (ultrasound, mammography)
Psychological consultation on informed consent for mastectomy to reduce the risk of breast cancer
Results of genetic testing
ca. 120-180 minutes
blood group, complete blood count, ESR, clotting screen (APTT and INR), creatinine, glucose level, electrolytes (Na, K), urine test, hepatitis B vaccine, ECG, breast ultrasound, BRCA1
24 hours
ca. 14 days
on day 8 to 10
on day 3 to 10
bleeding diathesis, coagulation disorders, unregulated high blood pressure, unregulated diabetes, purulent infection of the skin and mucous membranes, pregnancy
Frequently asked questions