Silhouette Plastic Surgery



Dieting is a strenuous process that requires persistence, but it’s indispensable on your way towards losing weight. Unfortunately, the effects take time to show which can be demotivating, considering that some body parts are difficult to contour by means of diet or exercise.


Liposuction is a way to improve your body shape, as it immediately removes excessive fat from the most “stubborn” body parts.

Immediate silhouette


Liposuction is not a strictly slimming treatment (even though you lose fat and weight), it merely eliminates the shortcomings of your body shape. It’s perfect for shaping waist or enhancing buttocks. It involves the removal of excess body fat from specific areas of the body, for example: abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees or chin.

Liposuction is usually done under intravenous or general anaesthesia. Fatty tissue is first injected with an anaesthetic solution through several minor incisions in the skin, next fatty tissue is broken up with a special device and its excess is sucked out making sure that the remaining surface is smooth.

Immediate silhouette


It is safe to remove ca. 3 – 4 litres of fat during a single procedure. Afterwards you will have to wear special pressure garment which reduces swelling and facilitates the process of skin tightening. Comprehensive Perioperative Care, our proprietary healing support programme, accelerates healing and can improve aesthetic outcomes of the procedure.

Vaser-Lipo uses ultrasound to reduce invasiveness of the procedure and shorten recovery time. Moreover, it does not damage fatty cells that are sucked out, so in some cases the extracted fat can be simultaneously grafted to breasts, face or buttocks to modify their shape.



Procedure duration

ca. 2 – 5 hours

Required lab tests

blood group, complete blood count, ESR, clotting screen (APTT and INR), creatinine, glucose level, electrolytes (Na, K), urine test, hepatitis B vaccine

Type of anaesthesia

intravenous or general

Length of stay

24 hours


ca. 14 days

Suture removal

on day 7-8 (if applicable)

Dressing change

on day two (bathing) and when removing sutures


bleeding diathesis, coagulation disorders, unregulated high blood pressure, unregulated diabetes, purulent infection of the skin and mucous membranes, pregnancy

Price list


TreatmentPrice fromPrice to
Abdomen Liposuction2 500 €2 900 €
Thigh Liposuction2 000 €2 200 €
Hip Liposuction2 200 €2 700 €
Buttock Liposuction2 000 €2 500 €
Knee Liposuction1 400 €1 600 €
Calf Liposuction2 000 €2 500 €