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and continuous development

FUE method – what is it and is it possible to recover lost hair?

Rhinoplasty – removal of a defect or deformity of the nose

Androgenetic alopecia – FUE hair transplant as one of the more effective treatment methods

Convalescence after rhinoplasty surgery – what does it look like, how long does it take?

How to enlarge the penis – is it possible at all?

Mommy Makeover, or plastic surgery after pregnancy.

What is 360-Degree Abdominoplasty? We Explain!

Breast implants: anatomical or round? Which implant is the best choice?

The effects of plastic surgery procedures – how long do they last and how to maintain them?

Although differences in size, shape or position of the breasts are part of the natural diversity of the human body, sometimes they can negatively affect a person’s own perception of femininity.

Stretch marks are small lines that appear primarily on the abdomen, thighs, breasts or hips. Most often they are a visual testimony to the transformation through which the body passed during pregnancy or changes in body weight.

The forehead, which is one of the most exposed parts of the face, easily reveals the first signs of aging. It here that, as a result of constant facial expressions, lines and furrows appear that can add years and influence our overall image