Endoscopic eyebrow lift

The passage of time, the force of gravity, and the gradual loss of collagen can cause significant changes in the upper part of the face. A lowered eyebrow line or wrinkles and furrows on the forehead make our face look tired or worried, adding years to it. Endoscopic eyebrow lifting will be perfect here, what is the procedure?

What is an endoscopic eyebrow lift?

Endoscopic eyebrow lifting is a procedure consisting of lifting the eyebrow line and improving the appearance of the forehead and glabella (area between the eyebrow arches). During it, partial excess skin of the eyelids is also reduced so that it can be considered together with upper eyelid surgery. During the procedure, an endoscope is used to make very short, barely visible incisions that make the scar in the hairline almost invisible.



What are the indications and contraindications for the procedure?

This procedure is performed on women and men who are not satisfied with the appearance of their foreheads and eyebrows. One of the most common indications for an eyebrow lift is a tired or dissatisfied facial expression. This is related to the wrinkles on the forehead, asymmetry, and drooping eyebrows, which are corrected during the procedure. The condition for qualifying for the procedure is the patient’s good health. However, unregulated hypertension, blood clotting disorders, and pregnancy may be a contraindication to its implementation. In addition, this method is not recommended in the case of too high forehead and high asymmetry of eyebrow height – in such cases, the traditional technique is preferred.


What does the procedure look like?

The treatment consists of several stages. The first one is proper preparation, including making any drawings needed during the procedure. Then the patient is given general anesthesia. In the next step, the doctor – to constrict the vessels and reduce bleeding – injects the places where the cuts will be made. Their number and individual stages depend on the pre–operative condition of the patient and the desired effects. During the procedure, 3  -4 incisions (around 1– 2 cm each) are usually made, one in the temporal region on both sides to the deep temporal fascia and 2 one in the midline of the head midpupillary lines, which is are made subperiosteally. All incisions are in the hairline, making the scar almost invisible.

After the preparation, with exceptional care for the vessels and nerves, the ligaments of the orbital area are released, making it possible to manipulate the tissues. Then the raised tissues are stabilized and the wound is precisely closed so as not to leave visible scars. The duration of the procedure depends on the patient’s expectations and anatomy and ranges from 90 to 120 minutes from the moment of anesthesia administration.



Convalescence and indications after surgery

Due to the low invasiveness of the procedure, associated with the use of an endoscope, the recovery time lasts about 7–10 days. After this time, there is a follow–up visit, during which the sutures are removed. In the case of using the traditional method of raising eyebrows, which is more invasive, this period is extended to 14 days.

After going home, it is crucial to respect post–treatment recommendations regarding the proper care of the operated area. After the procedure, the patient receives a tourniquet that should be worn for the next 24 hours. For 48 hours you should keep your head elevated, and for the next 4 weeks, it is best to put an extra pillow under it to elevate your position while sleeping. The first bath is possible after 24 hours, but do not use cosmetics that may irritate the operated area, and make sure that the water is not too warm. Cold compresses can be used for swelling. Heavy physical exertion should be avoided for 3 weeks. Smoking and drinking alcohol are also not recommended. In addition, prescribed medications should be used.



Effects after endoscopic eyebrow lifting

The first effects are visible immediately after the procedure, just after the bruising and swelling disappear (after about 7–10 days), which allows you to appreciate the effectiveness of the treatment, and the final effect is visible for up to 6 months. The eyebrow lift procedure will make the face, which previously looked tired or dissatisfied, look younger and more cheerful. The effects of eyebrow lifting should last for at least 10 years, and it is largely dependent on the patient’s genetic factors, lifestyle, and previous treatments in this area of the face. Proper adherence to post–treatment recommendations will also have an additional impact.



Possible postoperative complications

An inherent part of any surgical procedure is the risk of complications. One of the most common complications associated with eyebrow lift surgery is sensory impairment (6.2%), which recurs resolves in few months in most cases. After the procedure, there may also be damage to the motor nerve – the frontal branch of the facial nerve (1.5%), which leads to eyebrow lifting disorders. Other complications that may occur after the procedure are repeated eyebrow ptosis (2.4%), asymmetry (3.6%), infection (0.4%), hematoma (1.0%), problems with the scar (1.5%), inability to close the eyelid completely, and alopecia around the incisions. In order to avoid these complications, you should fully follow the post–treatment recommendations and consult your doctor as soon as possible with any doubts and react in case of any concerns.

Endoscopic eyebrow lifting is an effective and safe method to restore the youthful appearance and aesthetics of the upper part of the face. It is an ideal option for people who want to get a natural effect and avoid long convalescence. In our clinic, this procedure is performed by qualified specialists.

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